Annette Elsmore, RIP


As many of you will have already heard, Annette Elsmore, Bruce Elsmore’s widow, died peacefully in her sleep in the early hours of Saturday morning.  Though she hadn’t been noticeably ill, she had begun to feel the burden of Bruce’s absence.  Bruce, the College’s Senior Fellow died in August last.  Annette and he and their family had been part of the fabric of St Edmund’s for many, many years and both regularly came to Mass every Sunday in the Chapel.  The altar in the Chapel was their donation, as were many other items of furniture.  But above all else, they contributed to the College and Chapel community by their loyal and devoted presence and their palpable love of St Edmund’s in all aspects of its life, not least its Catholic origins and heritage.  May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

Annette’s Requiem Mass will take place in the Chapel on Monday 16 March at 11.00am, followed by a private, family burial in Barton churchyard.