Chapel Choir

St Edmund’s College Chapel Choir reflects the ethos of the Sunday Parish Mass, and is open to all. There is no audition or need for previous singing experience, but an ability to read music is desirable. Members range from those who have never sung in a choir before, to accomplished musicians who have sung for many years.

The Choir sings for Mass on Sunday mornings and occasional weekday evenings during term, and often in the vacation as well, immediately preceded by a rehearsal. Music is carefully chosen so that everyone can join in at their own level and make a meaningful contribution; extra rehearsals are regularly arranged to help those who are less confident.  Anyone with any level of experience is welcome – if you’re keen to learn we’re keen to have you!

Repertoire includes sung Mass settings and Communion motets and anthems, as well as Latin and English chant. Members of the Choir receive singing lessons from the Director of Chapel Music & Organist, Louisa Denby, as well as from external singing teachers, and benefit from other musical opportunities both within College and outside. In July 2016 the Choir joined with musicians from St Edmund Hall (Oxford), St Edmund’s School (Canterbury), and St Edmund’s College (Ware), for concerts and services in the Abbey of Pontigny, France – the final resting place of St Edmund of Abingdon.

The Choir has a thriving social life – post-Mass games of Scrabble are hotly contested!

The Director of Chapel Music welcomes enquiries from prospective members of the Choir at any stage of the academic year. She can be contacted via