Sister Professor Gill Goulding
Gill is a Member of the Congregation of Jesus, a Professor Ordinarius of Systematic Theology at Regis College, a Member of the Theological Commission, Conference of Religious in Canada. She is also a Member of the Faith and Witness (Theological Commission) of the Canadian Council of Churches, and a Member of the Theological Commission the Secretariat of the Synod Rome.
Recent Publications include: ‘Interconnectedness: The Thread that enables a Theological and Synodal Response to Abuse’ in eds: D. Fleming, J. Keenan & H. Zollner Doing Theology and Theological Ethics in the Face of the Abuse Crisis; (Oregon: Pickwick puglications, 2023, 296-311) ‘Mediazione e Autorita: L’Esercizio Dell’Autorita Spirituale’ in eds: I. Vigorelli, J.Pujol, F. Insa (a cura di) Autorita e mediazione: Le relazioni asimmetriche nella Chiesa. ( Rome: ROR, EDUSC, 2023, 41-62) Pope Francis and Mercy: A Dynamic Theological Hermeneutic, (Indiana: University of Notre Dame, 2023)